Research & Development

The research and development department of our company is cooperating with other companies and Universities of Greece and abroad on two basic axes.
Cultivation and growth of the lost Greek sideritis variety.
The specific sideritis variety, which are now known as “Red and White Mountain Tea” are almost extinct from the Greek mountainsides, due to illegal picking. With the aid of herbalists and agronomists from Universities we are now in the process of identification of the fore-mentioned herbs. Our goal is to bring back certain varieties within a year so as to be cultivated.
Mountain Tea essential oil extraction.
The Mountain Tea is the herb with the lowest run in essential oil per kilo than all other herbs. But But its consistency in elements is so important that make it the most thick in contrast to all other herbs. For example, the aroma of scardica essential oil on human skin last for at least three days.
These results led us to a unique aroma based on sideritis scardica. Equally the positive health benefits of the scardica variety have attracted the attention of the cosmetics industry to use it in anti-ageing creams (its anti-oxidant properties fight against free radicals), shampoos and hair masks for dyed hair (to protect from fading).